Board 2020-2021
Lorien van Gortel (2018) | Chair |
Elena Loechner (2018) | Secretary |
Eva Esser (2018) | Treasurer |
Anne Onderwater (2018) | Commissioner PR & Publications |
Romy Nijhof (2018) | Commissioner Corporate Relations |

Hi everyone! My name is Lorien van Gortel and I am this year’s Chair of the Board of Study Association Clio. I am for a big part responsible for the internal and external representation of Clio, which I do by being in contact with other associations and the University. I am also responsible for writing the general policy of the association. As the chair, I am very lucky to have a very diverse position and I get to spend a lot of time with different people. My daily tasks are not always so straightforward, so feel free to ask questions if you are interested in what I do!
I started the IRIO programme in September 2018. That same year I joined the Event Committee, followed by the Yearbook Committee. It is safe to say I met some amazing people during the past two years in Clio and I cannot wait for another year to get started. After spending 2 years in very different committees I decided it was time for a change and applied for the Board. Now I get to spend the next year in the Board with 4 really cool girls (all girl board woohoo) and will also be part of the Career, Forum and Master Committee.
In my spare time I love hanging out with my friends or my teammates in Gyas. I step in the boat once in a blue moon, but it is the thought that counts! I love cooking, watching Netflix and sleeping, which I will probably not be doing so much this year.
I look forward to seeing all of you this year at a Clio activity! If you ever want to talk you can always approach me or email/text me. ( Once the attic is open again feel free to swing by to have a chat with all of the Board or to see me beat Eva in a game of HalliGalli.

Hello hello, my name is Elena and I am this year’s Secretary of the Clio board. That means I’m the face behind most of the emails – including the weekly newsletter - you get from Clio and I am always very happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have about anything related to Clio, our study programme or whatever else you might have on your mind, just shoot an email to Next to all the administrative work I do for our association, I am also the board representative of the Academic, Excursion and ClioWelcome Committee.
Hard to believe in its existence, but in my life outside of Clio, I enjoy doing the most basic textbook things you can find in a description like this such as travelling, eating the food my friends cook for me and meeting up for drinks at one of the many places to choose from in this vibrant city. You might also find me longboarding/falling to my meetings or taking a dip into freezing water, be it somewhere at the North Sea or simply here at Stadstrand. I’m very very excited for everything this next year might entail and think we’re going to have a lot of fun despite all the obstacles we have to face this year and I’m looking very much forward to meeting you soon!

Holas, holas out there! My name is Eva, and as the Treasurer of the Board I am the one dealing with Clio’s finances the upcoming year. Juggling with numbers has always been something that I enjoy doing and I am very excited that I get to spend the next few months on that. My tasks as the Treasurer include drafting all the budgets for the different Clio Committees, managing the day-to-day bookkeeping work and keeping close contact with the treasurer functionaries of Clio’s committees. It is sometimes a bit hard to explain what I do so I will spare you further details but if you are ever interested in what I do exactly, feel free to look over my shoulder for a day!
Other than my (within the IR study programme) rather anomalous fascination for numbers, I would say that I am a very normal person. I really enjoy philosophy and reading good books in general, eating delicious meals (preferably cooked by someone that was not me), travelling, hiking in the woods and snowboarding. I am always open for a chat or a passionate game of HalliGalli, so I hope to run into you at the Harmony Building to drag you to the Clio attic once that is possible again. I am very excited for the upcoming year and I hope to meet you in person soon!

Hello everyone! I am Anne, and together with four amazing queens I will be part of the Clio Board this year as Commissioner of PR and Publications. This means I take care of the website, the social media and all other forms of promotion. Apart from that I will be in close contact with all the PR’s from the committees, which basically means I will teach them how to photoshop and give them some help now and then (if they need it). I love the creativity of my position and how it allows me to work with a lot of people while maintaining my status of Clio social media icon.
My position is very fitting if you consider the fact that I have been in two of the three PR’s committees. I started my Clio career in the Yearbook Committee in my first year and discovered I really enjoyed the creative aspect of designing pages, next to the social aspect of meeting a bunch of people from different years. In my second year I decided to step up my game and become chair of the Photo Committee. Together with my committee, we took care of the treasuring of precious Clio memories by taking pictures of them, and I loved every aspect of it.
This year, I will have the honour of being part of both the Yearbook and Photo Committee once again. In addition, I will also be in the Checks & Balances Committee, who publish amazing editions of their magazine every year. As I am the Board Representative, these three awesome Committees will be my children, and I am of course very excited to spend a lot of time with them.
Apart from Clio I love cats, shopping, Aretha Franklin, the Office (US, have never seen the UK one sadly), Keeping up with the Kardashians and spending time with my friends. If you have any questions feel free to send me a message through whatever platform Clio is on, as I am admin of them all. Oh the power I possess (!). I hope to see you soon at any upcoming Clio event!

Hello dear reader,
My name is Romy, but you may also call me Homy! You can thank little me and her speech problems for this beautiful nickname. As fifth board member of the 33rd board, I am Clio’s Commissioner of Corporate Relations. Although the title sounds pretty pretentious, my job just entails to be in close contact with Clio’s long-term partners, to acquire new partners and sponsoring money for Clio, and lastly to be a little bit obsessed with the Clio discount sticker. Additionally, I am the Board Representative within three amazing Clio committees: the research committee or ‘IRSP’ Committee (International Research for Students Programme), the Conference Committee, and last but not least the quite recently launched Sports Committee! Finally, I assist acquisitioners of all Clio’s committees in for example brainstorming for sponsors, contacting companies and going on company visits. As someone who is quite serious but at the same time loves to mingle with basically anyone, these tasks suit me perfectly.
Besides this, I have the honour to organize the VLC Christmas Party with two other study associations, which will take place at the end of December (don’t forget to sign up!). Although it will be a little different compared to other years because of COVID-19, I am a 100% sure it will be as great as always, and a nice opportunity to meet new students from other programmes!
Next to the Clio life, I like to be active by playing all kinds of sports like tennis, snowboarding or running, but you can also find me at Basic Fit. In my free time I love spending lots of time with friends whilst drinking some wine, watching a shitty Netflix movie, or playing the game Beverbende. As fashion enthusiast you can also always hit me up to talk about your newest wardrobe additions, especially when they are thrifted #savetheplanet !! I hope to see you all soon at our next event!