Find out below how Sietse found his Faculty Minor in Journalism.
Questions | Your answer |
Which minor did you do? | Journalism |
What made you choose this minor? | I have always been interested in political journalism, and wanted to see whether it was something for me. I also thought it would improve my style of writing. |
What were the subjects you had in your minor? | 1. Analysing media texts 2. Introduction to Journalism (1) 3. Disruption and Innovation in Journalism 4. Journalistic Writing (Dutch version) 5. Intro to Journalism (2) 6. Political Action in the Network Society |
What was your hardest experience during the minor course? | I think the hardest part was working with people that are from different studies and used to a different way of working During the minor you have to do a lot of group projects which can be annoying when people don’t speak english very well and are very unmotivated. |
What was the best experience during the minor course? | I liked journalistic writing a lot. It was a very practical course about how to conduct interviews, and how to write very clearly. |
Did the course meet your expectations? Yes, why/ No, why not | No not really, I thougth most courses were more theoretical than I had hoped for. |
Which other minor did you consider? | Minor abroad, Development Studies. |
Do you think that your minor will be useful for your future career? Yes, why / No, why not | I will not become a journalist so in that sense it will not be useful, but I do think I have learned to write more consisely and clear, so that will always be useful. |
What would you say to future IRIO students who consider this minor? | If you want to know whether journalism is something for you it is definitely something to consider, and it will help you in becoming a better writer, but don’t forget that it is still a university minor meaning the focus is quite academic. |
If your minor was in Dutch, how was it to study in Dutch again after years of studying in English? | I only had one course in Dutch, which I quite liked because writing in Dutch is different from doing it in English. I wasn’t a big transition but I did sometimes make mistakes because I was so used to English grammar. |
Ratings: Rate from 1 to 10 | |
Was the minor doable? (1 very hard 10 very easy) | 9 |
Was the workload less/the same/or more than the IRIO programme? (1 much less 4 workload a lot more workload) | 4 |
How much would you recommend to do this minor? (1 not at all 10 100% yes) | 6 |