The Hague is the city of foreign diplomats, interesting think tanks and many big institutions! Lucky for you, you will have the opportunity to discover it during a day excursion on Friday the 29th of November. Through this trip you will get to experience the world of IR outside the lecture halls and be inspired by the different job possibilities ready to be pursued after your studies. Moreover, it is a fun journey to enjoy with a group of students sharing the same interests as you!

In order to make the day as interesting as possible, the Introduction Committee has put together an awesome day programme including the UN Peace Centre, Eurojust as well as the Yemeni, Iranian or Chilean embassy that you get to choose from!

Sounds intriguing? Then don't hesitate and sign up on November 19th from 12:00 onwards and be quick because the spots are limited!

If you happen to have seminars that day, no need to let that spoil your fun! You can always ask your seminar teacher about possibly going to a seminar on another day.


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