Are you considering applying for a committee chair at Clio? Do you want to organise events ranging from academic and career-related to themed parties and game nights? Are you ready to lead and motivate your committee and create an opportunity for students to connect and work on projects together? The chair applications are open now!

Do you have any questions about what the position entails, or what chairing a specific committee is like? Go on a walk with the current chair(s) and ask any questions that you might have. From now until the application deadline (June 2nd, 23:59h), the chairs will take their time to be filled with good talks, many steps and a coffee.

Interested? Sign-up through this google form! The respective chair(s) will contact you with possible times and dates.

Disclaimer: these walks are not tied to any expectations, it is completely okay if you end up not applying. Signing-up for a chair interest walk and everything said during it stays confidential and is not taken into account during the decision process.

Find out more about committees here and if you already decided to apply, send your CV and a motivation letter to!

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