Dear new students in Groningen,

The past weeks you probably already discovered a bit of what Groningen has to offer, but it doesn’t matter if you were born in Groningen or moved from far away to study here, as a new student there is always a lot to learn about what Groningen has to offer!

Therefore, we are excited to announce to you: the World Wide Welcome event! Together with 7 associations we organised this event to offer all new students a good start of a new chapter in their lives.

The event will take place on the 21st of September from 14:00 - 17:00 at the Medical Faculty and we will end with some drinks at Newscafe.

🎤 We will kick off with two different speakers who will tell you all about their experiences studying in Groningen and you will get to know the different associations and get insight on what they can add to your student life.

After this, there will be two workshop rounds and you can choose out of 4 workshops:

🇳🇱 Can't Dutch This - Moved here from far away? With this workshop you can get to know the basics of the Dutch language.

🚲 From Potholes to Protocols: Dutch Biking Workshop - Master the art of cycling in a city known for its bike-friendly culture.

🌎 Challenging Biases in Cross-Cultural Interactions - Engage in a thought-provoking workshop that encourages open discussions on biases, cultural diversity, and fostering inclusive communities.

🗒 Student-in-the-Netherlands Trivia - Put your knowledge to the test in a fun and friendly trivia competition with questions about the Dutch culture and student life in the Netherlands.

Sign-up via this form, the participation is for free!

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